If you have ever applied for a Liquor License in Las Vegas, you know there are a lot of hoops you need to jump through before you get one. At Las Vegas Liquor License, our team of professionals have been navigating through the bureaucracy of obtaining Liquor Licenses for our clients for years.
Our goal is to help the business owner focus on other priorities of setting up their establishment. We work closely with the Fire Departments requirements, Health Department Standard and Liquor License Regulations. There are numerous governmental inspections that take place and we have the experience to assist our clients in passing these inspections. You can also visit our About us page to know more about us!
It is important to determine which type of Liquor License you will need. If you are going to import alcohol and sell it to wholesalers or retail stores but not to the public, you will need an Importer/Wholesaler License. Keep in mind you will need to have an established warehouse in Nevada prior to submitting the application.
If you are going to manufacture alcohol, you will need to get a Manufacturer License. You don’t intend on importing it or selling it either wholesale or retail.
There are bonds involved when applying for a Liquor License so be sure you get the right bond or bonds. These bonds guarantee you will pay the taxes that you bring in on your liquor sales. If a business does not pay the taxes, the company that provided the bond has to pay them to the Nevada Department of Taxation. The business owner is then responsible to pay the taxes to the bonding company.
Keep in mind, you do not pay the full cost of the bond, you will pay anywhere from one to fifteen percent of the total bond amount. The amount is determined mostly on an individual’s credit score. Contact us now!
Wholesaler/Importer Fee:
Manufacturer Fees:
These fees are due July 1st of each year and if not received by the 15th of the month, the liquor license will be cancelled, and the process will have to start over at the beginning. The fee will be prorated on first time applications based on the date the application is approved.
Because a Liquor License is considered a privilege in the State of Nevada, the person who is applying will undergo an extensive background check. Once the paperwork has been submitted, it has to be first approved by the Incorporated City’s Governing Board before it goes in from of the Board of County Commissioners.
Not only will you be subject to a background check, you will also have to give your personal history and a handful of financial documents. There is a checklist PDF available online at the City of Las Vegas Department of Planning Business Licensing Division.
The checklist includes:
If there is a change of ownership on an existing business, you must submit the following in addition to the above documents:
Purchase and Sale Agreement or Escrow Instructions that are signed by all parties.
Transfer of Business License
Limited Liability Companies (LLC):
Operating Agreement (must include management and membership percentage details)
Partnerships and Limited Partnerships:
If the above it not overwhelming enough, they have a Suitability Package with other required documentation required. Then there has to be an Alcohol Security Plan where you describe the security measures that will be taken to control the alcohol and maintain public safety. Also, a Floor Plan will have to be submitted depicting the seating count for the dining room, lounges and bar stools as well as outdoor dining seating areas.